Thursday, January 22, 2009

dear so and so....

I wanted to write and share with you all the things God has been doing in my life since I last wrote. First I want to thank you for your incredible love and support, and especially your prayers. Because you prayed earnestly, our trip to Greece was a success. Our group of about thirty from First Baptist Clinton joined thirty other college students from across the United States in Athens for a weeklong World Changers project. I was assigned to the team doing ministry in the gypsy camp, and what a blessing that was! The children were absolutely gorgeous and we had the opportunity to share with them all week the beautiful message of God’s love for them. Although I went give to these kids, I received so much from them, as they lavished us with hugs and kisses every single day. The missionaries shared with us the change that had gradually been taking place in the gypsies as the missionaries continued to show love to them, day after day. These people who were once only greedy, suspicious, and hard-hearted towards the gospel were beginning to soften. God’s love changes hearts, and I got to see this firsthand in Greece.

At the beginning of this summer I began to pray about how the Lord wanted me to spend the rest of my time at Mississippi College. I had reached a point where I knew God wanted more from me, and I wanted to be used by Him. As I prayed, I clearly heard the Lord say He wanted me to live and serve in downtown Jackson. This was a huge revelation! I continued to pray and the Lord led me to Amy and David Lancaster. The Lancasters felt God’s call to Jackson four years ago, moved, and began loving their neighbors and preaching the word downtown. I became involved with this ministry, We Will Go, and the Lord absolutely broke my heart for the people of Jackson. There is so much hurt, so much need, and only Jesus can heal! The Lord began to show me what He can do when we are truly willing to give Him everything.

This November, I went with We Will Go to Mozambique, Africa. The Lord never ceases to amaze me! He grew my faith as He miraculously provided everything we needed for the trip. We worked alongside Iris Ministries in Pemba, Mozambique, loving the orphan children and worshipping the Lord in spirit and in truth with the believers there. I saw a bigger picture of what God’s kingdom really looks like – people from every tribe and tongue will one day stand before the throne to praise Him! How beautiful! Seeing the true faith and passion of Christians in Mozambique truly challenged me. These people have nothing, they depend entirely on the Lord to meet every need. So many times I try to do things myself, and I always fail. But nothing is impossible with God - in Him we have all we need for life and godliness!
We Will Go recently purchased two buildings on their street that the Lord promised them years ago. These buildings will house interns whom the Lord is calling to serve alongside the Lancasters in Jackson. I knew when I first heard them speak about these buildings over the summer that this was where the Lord would have me live, and now I am preparing to move there this summer and live there during my last year at MC. Looking back over 2008, it is easy to see all the ways that the Lord has moved and all the things He has been teaching me. Looking forward into 2009, I am so excited to think about all He will continue to do. In March, I am headed to Mexico with First Baptist Clinton’s college ministry to share Jesus Christ there! I am excited to have an opportunity to use the two years of Spanish I’ve had at Mississippi College to speak His name and tell about His amazing love.

School is going well, and I plan to graduate next May with a degree in Christian Studies and a minor in Spanish (after many changes of major! J). I am praying about what God wants me to do after graduation, and really, I have no idea what that could be. I know that He is calling me to serve Him full-time, but where and when and how I don’t know. I trust that He will continue to faithfully guide me as He has thus far. I am excited to see what new adventures God has for the future – there’s never a dull moment in serving Him!

I am so blessed to have you in my life. Please know that as you have been praying for me, I have been praying for you also. If there’s anything specific I can pray about for you, please let me know – I would love to lift you up in this way! Thank you for allowing me to share with you about what God is doing. Even sitting here writing this is an encouragement and a reminder to me of who God is and what He has done, and I hope it encourages you also. I love you and I hope to write again soon.

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