Monday, January 5, 2009

two people

in two days have asked me if i'm going to seminary (as if i would know or something...ha). some days the future looms ominously in front of me like dark rain clouds, and i am certain that only disaster awaits me as graduation approaches ever more rapidly. other days i feel like i'm looking out over a vast horizon, where i cannot see far but what i can see looks intensely promising and brings me happy anticipation of all the places that my Love and i might go. 

so there you have it. lots of mixed emotions. or just emotions, period. but i am a girl, so that's not too surprising, i suppose ;)

i like where i am right now, but i know that i cannot stay there forever. or even for very long at all. but that doesn't mean i won't like the next place, and the next, and the next....

as long as Jesus goes with me i am fine. and He promised never to leave. so i am content. whatever the circumstances, i am content. 

1 comment:

JM said...

amen sister,
you just preach on