Tuesday, September 9, 2008


oh, people. how i love you. how i long for you. how you frustrate me. you know the truth - walk in it. you have been freed - don't be yoked again by the chains of slavery! you have tasted and seen - how could you possibly go back?

sometimes you don't understand the ways i love you. since i love you, i can't watch you living this way. it hurts me. i want what's best for you. sometimes i have to make things difficult, i have to speak the truth (in love) over you, even when it's not what you want to hear. and despite the fact that this causes you to avoid me, to hate me, to become angry with me, to speak out against me - i do it anyway. because i'm not afraid of losing you. there is no fear in love. and i love you.

this love is patient. it bears all things. but it doesn't mind being overwhelming sometimes.

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