Saturday, March 6, 2010


i feel better. nothing like an evening out with my favorite mission first girl to get my spirits up :) what a pleasant friday night.

the night before, thursday, i went with some folks from our college ministry to share about Jesus with complete strangers at belhaven....which was quite nerve-wracking at first, i must say. when i get nervous, i either get very quiet or extremely silly. thursday i was giggling like crazy and threatening ledge that i was going to run away. but i didn't, and i got to chat with some cool people. although apparently i have a skill for picking out people who are already Christians. but it was good to face that fear and just go "cold turkey." i think my faith needed that.

i think i'm starting to see the light. or at least....i feel lighter today.

it's saturday night. time to get out and see the world! goodbyeeeeeeee

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