Wednesday, March 10, 2010

kids say the darndest things.

it's amazing how a 20-minute run can change my whole outlook on life. lack of exercise has probably been a contributing factor to my crappy mood this week. apparently i need those endorphins more than i thought.

the expressions of kindness and love that have been shown to me over the past week are incredible. and an answer to prayer. things are still difficult but these people are a great help....i wish they could know how much.

today i am also thankful for one of my favorite kids on the planet, aj. he's gotten in the habit of coming up to me every afternoon, giving me a hug, looking up at me with those big brown eyes, and saying, "got any money?" to which i always respond, "no, i'm sorry aj. do you still love me?" his answer melts my heart. "of course!" and today he added, "why don't you got no money?" when i informed him i was "broke as a joke," he laughed and laughed like it was the best joke he'd ever heard. made my day.

i. love. that. child.

and i have the greatest job ever. end of story.

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