Thursday, December 18, 2008

praise the Lord

- exams are over
- i'm home, with my very own space...mmm....peace
- i get to sleep semi-late for a few weeks
- i have a really sweet boyfriend :) (that still sounds weird but i'm getting used to it)
- i can do some reading for fun over the break...get excited!
- i'm alive, and life is pretty good

a few things i'm happy about right now. now i must go brave the ridiculous Christmastime traffic to take care of a few last Christmas presents. i'm trying not to be frustrated with Christmas this year. i mean, i've been like that for two's time to try to enjoy it again. it's just so hard. things haven't been the same and never will be...and now even more things are changing with my mom's new friend and all...i don't think i handle change all that well. i need to pray more. yep.


laura leigh said...

did someone say.....boyfriend? :)

what? who? when? where?

oh and...merry christmas

Unknown said...

You better be finding time to hang out with me soon. :)

Anonymous said...

praise some more so i can hear your voice. :o) how are you??