Wednesday, December 24, 2008

my hope is built on nothing less

than Jesus' blood and righteousness. i dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name. on Christ the solid rock i stand, all other ground is sinking sand.


Christmas break is the stuff. i am thoroughly enjoying it. i only wish la and miss lived closer :( but visits will take place i am sure....soon and very soon. 

so this whole moving downtown thing is materializing rapidly. i'm excited but also have some apprehensions, some doubts. it is so obvious to me that this is where God is leading me, i'm sure, surer than i am about anything else. am i ready though? spiritually, that is. the battle is real on congress street, there's no playing around about it. at mc i can ignore it if i want....downtown i don't have that option. i need to pray more...i have a feeling, though, that no amount of "preparation" will get me ready for everything i'll face. dependence on the Lord will be a given. but i'm good with that. He's faithful. He's the best Daddy in the world. 

my life is so different than how i predicted. praise God :) what a miracle. 

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