Friday, November 14, 2008

i said to him

Lord help me.

and he did. wow. God WROTE that paper for me. he revealed things to me as my fingers flew across the keyboard that i've never even thought about before. my life does have direction. how beautiful. thank you for the guidance and confirmation, God.

he's just so good. i can't believe he would do for me all that he has done! i am overwhelmed at the thought of it. who am i that God would not only redeem me and call me by name and make me his, but also orchestrate this elaborate plan for my life, in which every puzzle piece fits perfectly with all the others to make something glorious for his kingdom??? that to me is too much. i can't take it in.

you're amazing God. that's all i know to say.

1 comment:

Weems said...

thats all we ever can say is: I love him. Betsey I really enjoy reading these honest blog posts.