Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mexico bound.

I have five more after-school days with my kids at Mission First. After 2 and a half years working with them, it seems unreal. I love them so much more than I can say. I'm gonna miss those little boogers.

Oh, the times, they are a-changin'.

48 days 'til Mexico. I feel more ready than I ever have. Sure, it'll be difficult, probably in ways I would never anticipate. But after all I've been going through lately...bring it on.

God, thank you for blessing my life. I thank you that you love me enough to have prepared good works in advance for me to do! What an incredible thought, Lord! It's such an honor to work for you and with you. I can't wait to see what Mexico holds for me....what you hold for me there. I love you. Please help me to stay focused on you and to serve you well in these last days here. You are worthy of my best no matter where I am. You are good, oh Lord. Thank you for loving me....

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