Sunday, July 5, 2009

good things

are happening all over the place here lately. i can't even count them all.

i know that i'm not supposed to go back to mexico again this summer, although it would be feasible. this disappoints me a lot...but i also know that it is because God has something for me here during those three work-free weeks, so i'm trying not to be a baby about it. pastor jeff talked about how babies are so precious, until they don't get their way, and then they scream their heads off, expecting someone to meet their need and NOW...."God has a lot of children who are babies and have been that way much too long," he said. one sign of spiritual immaturity is seeing God merely as an instrument to achieve what i want. i don't want to be like that. so i'm opening my eyes to see what i can do here :)

i need more discipline in my life. i need a spiritual trainer. like one of those new-age gurus, only a they make those? either way, before the end of this summer i'm going to whip into shape.

i love you, Jesus. and i'm going to show it better.

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