Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm called

to Mexico. I'm sure of it. I fully expect that this time next year I'll either be there or be heading there shortly.

Just wanted to get that out in the open. Thank you God, for answering my prayers and giving me clarity.....I am so glad to KNOW :) I can't wait, Jesus!! Mexico is amazing, thank you for giving it to me.

Now I just need to find myself either A) a man who loves Mexico the way I do or B) a Mexican husband....

I think I'll take option B.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

this place

is so beautiful. because the people are beautiful. i say that everywhere i go, because everywhere i go it's true. and i could live here. also true everywhere i've been. truly true.

so i've decided something. it's time. the rubber meets the road here. when i get home, it needs to be all or nothing. and it's not going to be nothing.

i've been thinking a lot about all the people who live in the neighborhoods near me. they don't know Jesus. and this summer i have lots of free time. i work until noon every day, and every afternoon there's time. time to go to them. to talk to them. to love them and to spend with them. i'm gonna do it. and how easy is it? they're right there, there's no language barrier...true, there are lots of differences, and maybe i can't relate to everything they experience, but....i love them. i do. because He loved me first, and He loves them most.

these are my thoughts these two weeks here. wow. two weeks already. i don't want to say adios.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


is 15 or so hours away. i have no idea what's in store for me there, but i am looking forward to whatever it is :) 

i kind of feel like i'm abandoning everyone in jackson, though. mario told me today that since i'm going to be gone three weeks, he would be too. hm...that made me smile. i love those people, man. i really do. they're becoming more than neighbors. they're my friends. i will miss them while i'm gone. 

and it will keep getting better. 

i need to bathe. shalom to all and hopefully i'll get to write on this thing while i'm gone...if not there shall be post-trip reflections for sure. 

when it's all said and done, only three will remain: faith, hope, and love. so give me some of those. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


is taking place in my life right now. i potted a plant yesterday. and washed and folded clothes, changed sheets, did dishes....and i enjoyed it. what is the meaning of all this?

on a spiritual note, i feel overwhelmed. i need more time with Jesus. living down here is draining, not to mention the fact that mercy is my primary gift so everything gets me....i need discernment. i need grace and patience. i need more love. i need a lot of things that i can only find in Him.

in need of grace, in need of love
in need of mercy raining down from high above
in need of strength, in need of peace
in need of things that only you can give to me
in need of Christ, the perfect Lamb
my refuge strong, the great I AM
this is my song, it's my humble plea
cause I am your child, and I am in need.